Thu. Jul 4th, 2024
Branded Video Production

From Corner Store to Industry Leader: The Inspirational Journey of John Di Losa

John Di Losa, a resident of Lysterfield and the founder of the renowned refrigerated transport company Cold Xpress, didn’t inherit success. He built it with sheer determination and relentless hard work.

Starting his career with humble beginnings, John worked at McDonald’s and stacked shelves at Coles to make ends meet. His parents taught him the value of money, instilling in him the importance of saving for the future.

At the young age of 18, John used his hard-earned savings to buy a car, demonstrating his understanding of financial responsibility. He took over his father’s fruit shop, expanding its offerings and quickly growing the business. With the support of his wife Marie, they transformed the corner store into a thriving enterprise, generating $15,000 in weekly revenue.

However, setbacks didn’t deter John. When a business deal went sour, he returned to the fruit shop, working tirelessly to revive it. Simultaneously, he ventured into contract work, delivering goods for transport companies.

Despite facing challenges, including being underpaid and encountering dangerous situations, John remained resilient. In 1998, he embarked on a new venture, Cold Xpress, operating from a friend’s warehouse. Overcoming embezzlement and noise complaints, the business continued to grow, relocating multiple times to accommodate expansion.

In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic posed unforeseen challenges, requiring Cold Xpress to adapt rapidly to changing circumstances. Despite staffing issues and increased expenses, John navigated the company through the crisis, ensuring the safety of his team and uninterrupted service to customers.

Today, Cold Xpress stands as a testament to John’s unwavering determination and entrepreneurial spirit. With plans for further automation and efficiency improvements, John continues to lead the company towards greater success.

John’s remarkable journey was featured on FOXTEL’s Industry Leaders program, showcasing his inspiring story of resilience and triumph. As he looks towards the future, John remains committed to overcoming obstacles and driving Cold Xpress to new heights of excellence.

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